Elecciones 2024

El Sacapuntas: El Heraldo de México

Sheinbaum adds Yáñez

One who made headlines was César Yáñez. He announced that he was leaving the Undersecretariat of Democratic Development of the Ministry of the Interior to join Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s campaign team, so the former Head of Government of Mexico City will expand her work group to continue with the Fourth Transformation. Mariana Rodríguez, who was part of the Presidential Aide, will take Yáñez’s place.

For the votes of everyone

We are informed that the National Electoral Institute (INE), led by Guadalupe Taddei, has extended the deadline for Mexicans abroad to obtain their voter identification cards and have the possibility to participate in the elections on June 2nd. The period has been extended for five more days, until February 25th, to address the request of the presidential candidate Xóchitl Gálvez.

He’s leaving, he’s leaving…

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced how the final acts of his government will be. His political farewell will be on September 15th, in the Zócalo, during the ceremony of the Cry of Independence. And a few days later, on October 1st, the formal act of handing over the presidential sash will take place in the Congress. And from there, off to his ranch.

Telmex is not for sale

Businessman Carlos Slim surprised yesterday during his press conference by confirming that Telmex is no longer a profitable company. However, he made it clear that it is not for sale, as he hopes it remains in the family business forever. He also revealed his relationship with political power, as he spoke of his closeness to the Head of the Federal Executive.

Protecting their interests

Mirtha Villalvazo, the mayor of Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, has been caught trying to traffic influence. With the story of a supposed friendship with Mario Delgado, the national leader of Morena, she imposes her will, hindering investments for the development of her municipality. However, not for the common good, but for her own benefit and that of her “partners”.

Source: [SACAPUNTAS@ELHERALDODEMEXICO.COM](https://heraldodemexico.com.mx/opinion/2024/2/13/mailto:SACAPUNTAS@ELHERALDODEMEXICO.COM)

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