Elecciones 2024

La misión de Ernestina Godoy como Consejera Jurídica en la Cuarta Transformación de México

Ernestina Godoy Ramos, ex-Attorney General of Mexico City, recently spoke with Heraldo Media Group during Oscar Mario Beteta’s program, discussing her upcoming role as Legal Advisor in Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s Presidential Cabinet for the 2024-2030 administration.

She revealed that she was previously offered the position but declined as she was committed to her role in legislative legal direction under President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, stating, “I have been a defender of women, peasants, and settlers.”

Godoy expressed gratitude for the support and trust extended by the virtual president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, reaffirming her commitment to the principles of the Fourth Transformation and the government plan focused on Mexican humanism.

As the Legal Advisor, Godoy will have the authority to intervene in all legal areas of the federal government, expecting cross-cutting contact with all secretaries in the upcoming term of continuity and change, focusing on addressing causes and dispensing justice.

Regarding recent judicial reforms, she emphasized the goal of strengthening and legitimizing the Judicial Branch, stating, “Its legitimacy will not depend on relationships with a president or local congresses, but will come directly from the ballot box.”

“It is an initiative that we are all obligated to promote, related to a disciplinary and internal regime, we all have to be accountable,” she added.

Stay tuned for more updates on Ernestina Godoy’s role in Claudia Sheinbaum’s Cabinet and the ongoing legal developments in Mexico.

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