Elecciones 2024

Caty Monreal liderará un gobierno de reconciliación y diálogo en Cuauhtémoc

Caty Monreal, candidate for Morena, PT, and PVEM in the Cuauhtémoc municipality of Mexico City, declared herself to be a woman of reconciliation and peace, committing to lead a government based on respect and dialogue, as she emphasized that the residents deserve more than conflicts and disputes.

In an interview with Salvador García Soto for Heraldo Radio, she stated that she will work in the territory and meet with residents quarterly to assess what is lacking and what progress needs to be made.

She stressed that she did not receive the candidacy as a gift, as she obtained it through an internal survey. Therefore, she affirmed that she cannot fail the inhabitants of the area and that the conditions exist to carry out Plan C in Cuauhtémoc.

She considered that the situation in 2021, when Morena suffered a setback in the election in Mexico City, is not the same scenario as the current one, as they are working to avoid repeating mistakes and engage in dialogue with residents.

Monreal outlined her initial government actions, which include reclaiming public spaces, listening to the municipal employees and residents, and she emphasized that she will not have time to engage in conflicts or disputes with anyone.

Finally, she ruled out “persecuting” Sandra Cuevas, stating that she respects her career and will not speak ill of her or other women. However, she emphasized that the guiding principle will be the law.

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