Elecciones 2024

Nutrición como pilar para la prevención de enfermedades en Iztapalapa: las políticas de Aleida Alavez

Aleida Alavez Ruiz, who is aspiring to be the Mayor of Iztapalapa under the common candidacy “Seguiremos Haciendo Historia en la Ciudad de México”, emphasized that proper nutrition for the people will be an essential part of the public policies of the next government, if electoral preferences favor her.

During a visit to the La Nueva Viga Market, Alavez Ruiz pointed out the need to promote better nutrition in the community, with the excellent quality products that arrive in the municipality.

Accompanied by the president of the National Society of Fish and Seafood Importers and Distributors, Roberto Gutiérrez Ambriz, administrator of the market, the candidate mentioned that the market is a space that serves the entire country in terms of the commercialization of 540 marine species that arrive in the municipality.

She emphasized that there are freshwater fish with Omega 3 that can substitute the consumption of salmon. “So, we have in the municipality products at affordable prices with excellent nutrients for the people,” she said.

She highlighted that, if she is favored with the people’s vote on June 2nd, a popular supply store will be installed in each dairy store, to make available to everyone products of good quality at low prices.

“Our vision is for everyone to improve their nutrition, but especially for no child to go without food,” she emphasized.

In that context, she declared that in coordination with the next Head of Government, Clara Brugada, and the next President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, they will ensure that each health center has health promoters who will approach the neighbors to help with the early detection of diseases.

Likewise, she highlighted that Iztapalapa will be at the forefront in the implementation of the national care system, which will include the establishment of day care centers for the elderly, and training and economic support for those dedicated to caring for others.

“We will see a comprehensive support system for what we are seeking for a healthy Iztapalapa,” she stated.

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