Elecciones 2024

El enfoque científico de Sheinbaum: Diálogo con científicos y académicos según Renata Turrent

Renata Turrent, a member of Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo’s campaign team, highlighted the candidate’s profile as the presidential candidate for Sigamos Haciendo Historia. Despite sharing an ideological base with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, she also has differences, such as her closeness to the scientific community, which she has gained through her own background.

Turrent emphasized that Sheinbaum Pardo has the political will to engage in dialogue with academics, which is why she entrusted her with the task of connecting with this diverse sector from the start of her pre-campaign.

In an interview with Adriana Delgado for El Dedo en la Llaga on Heraldo Radio, Turrent explained that they have started to gather feedback and proposals from academics, as some feel alienated or hurt by the Cuarta Transformación (Fourth Transformation), and so far the dialogue has been fruitful.

In this regard, she highlighted that in Mexico City, a similar strategy was implemented, such as the creation of the Red ECOs, which linked science and academia with governance to find solutions to issues like the microseisms that occur in the capital.

There will be continuity with changes in priorities under Sheinbaum’s administration, particularly in areas such as environmental protection and accelerating energy transition, as seen in Mexico City through the promotion of electric transportation.

Lastly, Turrent detailed that another priority for Sheinbaum Pardo will be education, with plans to establish universities to increase enrollment by 300,000 students. This replicates a strategy already implemented in the capital with the creation of the University Rosario Castellanos, which allows student entry through a preparatory course rather than an entrance exam.

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