Elecciones 2024

Explorando Villa de Cos: Raymundo Moreno visita sus comunidades

Raymundo Moreno, candidate for the federal deputy position in the third district, conducted a working tour in the municipality of Villa de Cos together with Claudia Anaya and Miguel Torres, candidates for the Senate by the coalition Fuerza y Corazón por Zacatecas. During this tour, the aspirants to federal positions met with residents of the municipal seat, Bañón, and Chupaderos, who are convinced that the governments and legislators of Morena have Zacatecas on its knees.

The residents of Villa de Cos expressed that the communication routes in the municipality are dangerous, and accidents are recorded daily on the roads. They pointed out that the state and federal governments are turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to this situation.

“The state government knows the state of the roads and they don’t support us in fixing them. We are aware of the work that has been done in the national legislative chambers, but the current deputies, from Morena and their allies, have voted against Zacatecas. They have not returned the 3×1 and the mining fund,” they commented.

Raymundo Moreno stated that when he reaches the Chamber of Deputies, he will fight for Zacatecas as he is not afraid to raise his voice or point out everything that has been done wrong by the state and federal governments. He added that it is time to put an end to the harm caused by a family that has taken advantage of the state’s residents.

“We should be happy because the end of the long night of Morena in Zacatecas is near, hope has begun, and with this great team, rest assured that Villa de Cos and Zacatecas will do very well. It is time to rebuild the roads, rebuild the Zacatecan countryside, rebuild the future of Zacatecas. We must recognize those who are in love with Zacatecas, unlike those who are currently in power, unlike my rival,” he pointed out.

“They have forgotten about Zacatecas,” Moreno added. He mentioned that the federal government has neglected the Zacatecas countryside, and the members of Morena, the Green Party, and the PT have not fulfilled their promises, only bringing misery and violence, destroying Zacatecas families.

“We must take to the streets to invite people to reflect, in 3 years Morena and its allies have let us down, it is time to rise with dignity, defend what is ours, our families, and our land. We must defend democracy and the future of our children,” he added.

Moreno also mentioned that the products generated in Villa de Cos are being imported by the federal government, and that money is circulating in Brazil instead of staying with the people of Zacatecas by decision of the tyrant in the national palace. He asserted that the issue of energy fees is a problem that has farmers very concerned, as producers are being charged up to 100,000 pesos for the use of any well by the CFE.

“That is a blatant robbery of our people who work the land and to whom we owe the ability to eat. Morena is not measuring the water for the sweet potatoes. What those thieves do not understand is that the good people of Villa de Cos are much smarter and by suffocating the Zacatecan countryside, they are causing inflation. Morena says ‘first the poor,’ but what they really mean is that they want us poor so they can buy us with their crumbs, they want to buy our consciences and have us on our knees, but they did not count on the good people of Villa de Cos and the entire state rising up and rebuilding the future of Zacatecas,” he concluded.

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