Elecciones 2024

No hay motivo para confiarse: Bárbara Mañón destaca la victoria de Morena en la precampaña a nivel federal

Morena dominantly wins the pre-campaign for the Presidency of Mexico, according to Bárbara Mañón, the Secretary of Communication, Diffusion, and Propaganda of the party in Chiapas, in an interview with Susana Solís for Heraldo Noticias Chiapas radio.

“We have already expressed it, not only us but also the results of the polls, where the margin of distance sometimes reaches up to 30 points between the PRIAN candidate and our proposal,” she said.

Eduardo Ramírez has had a successful pre-campaign in Chiapas. Mañón also indicated that the process in Chiapas has been successful, thanks to the efforts of Eduardo Ramírez, the Morena candidate for the governorship, who has traveled to at least 10 municipalities in the state.

“There is great expectation as we resolve municipal issues and the parliamentary elections. We will have a very robust campaign, with many things, with many people,” she said.

Mañón emphasized that Morena is not just a group of popular representation but also an ideological project that is being materialized through public policies.

Despite this, she commented that nothing is certain in the upcoming elections, so they will not be complacent about the national situation or the events that have not yet occurred.

“It is important to emphasize the importance of continuity because there are also things that we need to keep working on that have not been achieved yet.”

Listen to the interview HERE.

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