Elecciones 2024

El impacto positivo de Morena y Claudia Sheinbaum para todos

Morena and Claudia Sheinbaum Represent a Benefit for All Citizens, Says Antonio Attolini

Antonio Attolini, a Morena representative in the Coahuila Congress, highlighted that Morena and Claudia Sheinbaum represent a benefit for all citizens, as their advantage over their main opponent, Xóchitl Gálvez, is superior in many aspects.

“What Morena and Claudia Sheinbaum represent is something that benefits everyone, compared to what Xóchitl Gálvez, PAN, PRI, and PRD represent, which only convinces a few and keeps the vast majority of the population distant because they do not want to return to the past,” Attolini stated.

In an interview with Héctor Esparza on De Frente La Laguna from El Heraldo Radio on 104.3 FM, Antonio Attolini said that for Xóchitl Gálvez to win, she would have to have sustained growth, “something that has not happened in a single month throughout the pre-campaign and internal process.”

“Not once has Xóchitl Gálvez gained ground against Claudia,” Attolini added.

Attolini commented that the “corruption alliance represented by PAN, PRI, and PRD, and that website called Movimiento Ciudadano, which has gotten out of control,” do not offer anything different.

He also addressed the tragedy that occurred at the TSM stadium, where a woman ran over Rayados fans, calling it a “political tragedy because it can be resolved.”

“There are conditions that we, as popular representatives and municipal authorities, need to review in order to guarantee all those who live in Torreón, Coahuila, and all those who visit us that there are conditions that ensure non-repetition,” Attolini stated.

In conclusion, Antonio Attolini emphasized the benefits that Morena and Claudia Sheinbaum bring to all citizens, contrasting them with their opponents who offer nothing new. Furthermore, he highlighted the need to address the tragedy at the TSM stadium and ensure the safety of the people in Torreón.

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